Tiger JNP-1000 Electric 5.5-Cup (Uncooked) Rice Cooker and Warmer: Kitchen & Dining 5.5 cups rice cooker and warmer, Automatically switches "Keep Warm" after cooking is completed, Easy to use single -stick inner pan for easy serving and cleaning, Spatula and rice measuring cup includes, Dimension 9.8L x 10.3H x 10.8W 7.9lb,Made in Japan.
| APPI - Welcome | APP As the official Journal of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, the society of psychiatrists working at the interface between neuroscience and behavioral disorders, The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences is dedicated to advancing
SPIE | Journal of Nanophotonics | Optical amplification of surface plasmon polaritons: review Abstract. Optical amplification of surface plasmon polaritons has been pursued extensively in recent years. However, few currently known optical gain materials can be expected to provide sufficient gain to fully compensate propagation losses of highly ...
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